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Hi, thanks for dropping by! 


I'm Michelle, you may know me better as Pinklilith,  I spend my life trying to experience new things, grow as an individual and learn about as much as I can. This is where I aim to bring it all together, what I've learnt, where I'm headed and what I've already achieved, but first, take a look below to find out why I do these things. 


                                                                                 Michelle xxx

              So you've taken the time to scroll down, you must be interested in why this site exists and what I'm aiming for.  In my teens I was shy, a little insecure and had, what I considered to be, the misfortune of being born ginger. In my teens I continued to carry this belief as I found myself the target of name calling etc, based mostly around my hair colour. I was not a happy confident teenager, and allowed my experiences to shape me into my 20s, but not in a good way. My 30s have  been a blessing, seeing the world differently, learning about myself, and how to heal myself as best I can. But I have also learnt about the world around me. I saw women on social media who had their lives together, who had amazing homes and families, ever unhappy, always healthy and wanted to know more.


              I have discovered that these women of mystery, or the over achieving women who make the rest of us feel inadequate, are just the same as the rest of us. They have insecurities, money issues, they say the wrong thing or wake up feeling frumpy. The difference between them and the rest of us? They just grab every opportunity that comes their way, with both hands, so that's what I'm going to try to do. Currently I am studying life coaching, I studied psychology, wellness, mental health science and I hope to qualify in counselling in future. 

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 I went on to try modelling, it was just something I fell into, I would never have considered myself right for it but the opportunity arose and since I was determined to take on those opportunities, I gave it a go. I've learnt a lot through modelling, about myself and about the industry, I will include information on this on my modelling page, not just what I've been up to, but sites that can help you, should you want to have a go. I have also recently started to delve into the world of photography, I hope to be able to show you more of that as time goes by. In the mean time you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram (@pinklilith), or follow my own attempts at photography on Facebook (PL Photography).


               Writing wise, check out my blog, the Wellness pages will be more work specific, information on physical and mental wellness, research I've seen that is interesting etc. While the personal pages will include modelling, arts and crafts, photography and anything else fun that I think you might like. I've very recently started to offer my services as a freelance writer, so keep an eye on my blog for links to anything I've written.


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